Our goal is to increase research activity in a phased approach as safety becomes easier to maintain. If you can continue to conduct your work remotely, please do so. For research lab members wanting access, you must wear face coverings while on campus. This includes getting to and from your lab, in your lab (unless additional face covering is necessary) and in any shared common spaces, including elevators. If your research team includes students, they too must wear face coverings and follow social distancing (no closer than 6 feet) and washing hands after completing each task and after touching frequently used items (doors, handles, light switches).
You also need to have cleaning supplies to ensure your lab is disinfected. UCF has a limited supply of face coverings and cleaning supplies to get you started. We know we will run out and we are working on lining up reliable supply lines. If you have the necessary face coverings and cleaning supplies to ensure your lab is disinfected, and your team has face coverings, we ask that you use those supplies first.
If you do not have what you need please call (407) 882-7111. UCF’s Department of Emergency Management, with support from Resource Management, are working to source PPE, track requests, and disburse items based on need.
Because safety is our priority, you may not enter your lab until you can secure these basic items. With these supplies in hand, you can move onto our six steps to access your lab.
6 Steps for Lab Access
Identify the Tier Your Work Falls Into
Receive authorization from your Associate Dean to gain access to your lab. Authorization is based on the Tiers. Currently, Tiers 1-6 have been authorized.
Complete Required Training
Any outstanding EHS training and the new training prepared specifically for COVID-19 – Research Restart EHS222, select the EHSA Login.
Here’s a step by step guide to logging in and selecting the EHS COVID-19 specific course.
Plan and Prepare Safety Procedures
Plan and prepare written safety procedures for your lab including how you will clean/disinfect areas and clearly display the plan in the lab using the SOP form.
No More than One Person Per 200 sq ft.
Schedule no more than 1 person per 200 square feet at any given time, unless there are different safety requirements. The same is true for personnel using any office space linked to your lab.
Weekly Schedule
Keep a copy of your weekly schedule of all lab personnel to help track any potential exposure, should that become necessary.
Complete Daily Check-In and Check-Out Forms
All people entering the lab need to complete the university COVID Self-Checker found the UCF Mobile app to check into their labs each day.
Human Subject Research
Information for re-starting Human Subject Research was released June 23. Select more information for details.
Have a Concern?
We trust that everyone will comply with these new requirements, but we are aware that there may be a few who decide to ignore or fail to follow the rules. We also understand that some of you may be uncomfortable speaking up in those circumstances. Use the university Integrity Line to raise a concern by calling 1-(855)-877-6049 or visiting the website.